I became vegan a little over 2 years ago after watching the award-winning documentary Earthlings, which is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. http://www.earthlings.com/ I remember eating my favorite lunch from a restaurant at the golf course I worked, Buffalo Shrimp. I sat down and watched Earthlings, and I've never wanted a piece of meat since.
I became vegan for ethical reasons, so when I started reading "The China Study" a few days ago it was refreshing to hear more of the health benefits of my diet. http://www.thechinastudy.com/ I'm about 50 pages into it and I'm completely blown away. Dr. Campbell and his son talk about America's failing health. One fact that completely caught me off guard was that the American Cancer Society says that men have a 47% chance of getting cancer and women have 38% chance. He also states that the rates at which Americans die from cancer are one of the highest in the world (12). I would really recommend this book to anyone looking for a reason to be on a healthier diet, as well as vegans.
I like to be well informed when people come to me asking (usually in a condescending way) health facts. I will post more as I finish the book. I hope everyone enjoys this book, it's a good read. I checked my out from the library, so I'm sure yours will have it as well. Enjoy!
"It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal." -Joaquin Phoenix, Earthlings
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